Constitution Day Celebrations by Indiatourism, Mumbai

The year long Nation wide activities on Constitution Day to mark the 70th Anniversary of the adoption of the Indian Constitution by Constitution Assembly began on November, 2019. The day 26th November is observed every year as Constitution Day (Samidhan Diwas). As part of the Constitution Day celebrations IndiaTourism, Mumbai, the Regional Office of Ministry of Tourism for Western & Central Region organized activities aimed to reiterate and re-orient the citizens towards the values and principles expressed in the Indian Constitution and encouraging the citizens of India to play their rightful role in strengthening the Indian democracy. The IndiaTourism, Mumbai promotional campaign for Constitution Day was aimed at creating awareness on the ‘citizens duties’ with a tag line “Perform your duties build the Nation”.
IndiaTourism, Mumbai on 14th April, 2020, the birth anniversary of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar organized a reading of the preamble for all the employees of IndiaTourism, Mumbai and the field offices in Goa, Indore and Aurangabad. Standees on the theme “Perform your duties build the Nation”were made and widely distributed to State Tourism Offices, Institute of Hotel Management in Western and Central Region, Tourism Colleges, CSD canteens in Mumbai, Hotels and the NCC group Command Offices in Maharashtra.
Leveraging the power of digital marketing, IndiaTourism has undertaken Digital campaign by placing Web Banners highlighting the fundamental duties in leading websites of Travel Magazines. The Web Banners were linked to the website to the Department of Justice and landed on the pages listing the Citizens duty.
The Social Media handles of IndiaTourism, Mumbai were actively used to share the Constitution related posts. With the onset of Pandemic and restrictions in organizing physical elements IndiaTourism, Mumbai adopted the Digital medium to keep the outreach going. Accordingly an Online Poster designing competition on the theme “To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture” was organized from 6th to 13th July, 2020 to create awareness among the students of RamNarain Ruia Automonous college, Mumbai. The entries of the students were showcased on a special website
A special presentation on itineraries on places in Maharashtra associated with Dr.B.R. Ambedkar was also made to the student interns from IITTM and employees of IndiaTourism Mumbai . 40 participants attended this presentation The IndiaTourism, Indore and Food Crafts Institute Khajuraho as part of Constitution Day Celebrations organized a webinar on “Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens” to create awareness on Citizens Duties which was held on 5th September, 2020. 45 participants attended the webinar.
IndiaTourism, Indore and FCI, Khajuraho also organized a webinar on “Fundamental Rights of Indian Citizens” on 14th September, 2020. 40 participants attended the webinar.
The celebrations of Constitution Day will culminate on 26th November, 2020 wherein Online Quiz Competition is scheduled. Five Team from Tourism Departments of following institutions in Mumbai will be participating in this competition.
Hoardings celebrating the Constitution day are put up on the Marine Drive in Mumbai and also in the premises of Institute of Hotel Management, Mumbai.